Recognizing the fact that sirens, electric fences and conventional security products and barriers are no longer a viable deterrent, even to the novice perpetrator, Chilli Pepper developed and put in to manufacture, a range of products for various applications from the popular "Do-It-Yourself" Portable deterrent system to vehicle, domestic, commercial, industrial and special application systems.  All the systems employ the pepper spray as the active ingredient to either stop or repel the perpetrators in a less than lethal manner.  

The success of this product is phenomenal, and the fact that most of the systems are processor and software controlled has allowed Chilli Pepper to adapt the systems for other deterrent security devices to fight crime.

The electronics together with the electro-mechanical components in the product are stable and straightforward in design so as to keep reliability at a premium. The last couple of years of development have been only to enhance the product functionally and aesthetics, not re-design.